Today was another typical Monday, for the most part. There were only two things of note that happened today. The first was that we had a test in project management. It wasn’t too difficult. The second was that the cleaning ladies didn’t come today. For the first month, they kept coming on different times and days of the week. Then a couple of weeks before Spring Festival they settled down to coming on Mondays, which wasn’t a problem because I wasn’t home at 9:00 on Monday mornings. Our other floor had a similar experience. So we were all very surprised by the lack of clean rooms when we came home today, especially since we try to prepare our rooms by picking things up, closing cabinets, locking the cabinets that can be, and hiding things we don’t want them to throw away, because they have their own ideas about what is and isn’t trash. I’ve never had any personal experience with this problem, but apparently it has happened. I’m told that in one instance they threw out the covers to someone’s eye contact soaking case, and other random things like that. Suffice to say that old ladies are odd.